RamblingRoss The blog of Ross Fruen, a .NET consultant Posts tagged with "technology" Access to the Flatpress theme used on RamblingRoss Add log4net files to a SQL database Add Twig Split filter to the Stacey CMS Adding nofollow to FlatPress comments Allowing Grav to inline scripts for better CSP support AMP and its support for inline Content-Security-Policy Availability of sitemap plugin for FlatPress Blog moved from ramblingross.co.uk to gsys.biz Changes to DateChanger plugin for FlatPress Changes to sitemap plugin for FlatPress Changing the case of all files within folder hierarchy Connecting to OpenLDAP on Lucid Lynx from S.DS.P Dell XPS M1530 - Bluetooth 355 and Windows 7 EU Cookie Directive Plugin for FlatPress Fix warnings generated by the cache held by Stacey GoogleSearchBox, JavaScript and write once, test everywhere Guidance on the content of cookie statements Improve search functionality in sites hosted by Stacey Installing Canon 4200F drivers under Windows 11 Issues with malformed URLs generated by the Stacey CMS Merge and sort log4net files using PowerShell Migration of profile to the Stacey CMS Migration of the blog RamblingRoss to Stacey nms FormMail and Japanese characters NUnit mocks and the Extend method reCAPTCHA and nms FormMail - part I reCAPTCHA and nms FormMail - part II reCAPTCHA and nms FormMail - sample perl script reCAPTCHA for FlatPress version 1.1 Reducing priority of Flatpress Comment Center Search Providers for web browsers Selecting the correct language in SyntaxHighlighter plugin SiteGround redirect loop to /.well-known/captcha/ Stacey CMS killed by a large number of pages Supporting version 2 of reCAPTCHA in FlatPress The correct MX record to use with Vidahost The GoogleSearchBox plugin for FlatPress The power of crowdsourcing and CAPTCHA Thumbs up for LDAP Admin directory manipulation tool Thunderbird exceeding the maximum number of IMAP connections Thunderbird running slowly on Windows 10 Use version 1.0.2 of Markdown Extra in Stacey Using .htaccess to secure FlatPress websites Using Disqus for comments in a flat file blog Using PowerShell to change case in files